Thursday, October 2, 2008

Na dlhé jesenné večery

Prichádza jeseň, skôr sa stmieva, a tak aj času býva po večeroch viac. Pre tých, ktorí nevedia čo s ním, alebo potrebujú niečo na počúvanie pri čítaní materiálov na diplomovku, prinášam zopár setov. Prevažne ide o dubstep, ale skôr v tej experminetálnejšej polohe, hľadajúc prieniky medzi rôznymi žánrami alebo medzi starým a novým. Prístup, ktorý je pre dubstep skutočným osviežením. Slyšme slová samotného Kode9:

“I think if people just see it as purely dub it’s a problem, because they’ll just make less good versions of reggae. But people need to remember what is interesting about these musics — jungle through to dubstep — is that they can weave together every single music ever, potentially, at that speed, with those basslines. There’s no reason why there shouldn’t be aspects of techno, hip hop, reggae, soul, electro, house... I mean it’s just a speed. The danger right now is that it has become dominated by half-step. But I’m sure that won’t last.” Kode 9 – Spannered Interview 2007

Prvým setom je Ben UFO b2b Elgato v Ruffage Sessions na rádiu SubFM. Nádherné potvrdenie hore spomýnaných slov Kode9. Najmä v závere je to skutočná lahôdka.


1. Nubian Mindz - Seven (Subvert Central)
2. Claro Intelecto - Only Yesterday (Modern Love)
3. Shed - Warped Mind (Berghein)
4. UR - Codebreaker (Underground Resistance)
5. Millsart - Humana (Axis)
6. Deadbeat - Heathrow Express (Cynosure)
7. A Made Up Sound - Next (Soloaction)
8. Anthony Shakir - Shake It Up Dub (Remix) (KMS)
9. DJ Bone - Knowhere (Subject Detroit)
10. T++ - Space Break (Eriosion)
11. Madie Myles - I've Been Waiting (Dem 2 mix) (Azuli)
12. U.S. Alliance - All I Know (N.Y.S.C. Dub Mix) (Locked On)
13. Unknown - First You Say Yes! (Steve Gurley Mix) (RAS)
14. De Souza - Keep It Coming (Dem 2 Twist Up Dub Mix) (Locked On)
15. Tallisman - Bad Blood (Large Joints mix) (Locked On)
16. Digital Mystikz - CR7 Chamber (Rephlex)
17. Instra:mental - Futurist (Unreleased)
18. Horsepower - On The Run (Tempa)
19. Peverelist - On and On (Unreleased)
20. Pangaea - Coiled (Hessle Audio)
21. Untold - Discipline (Unreleased)
22. Grain - Untitled (FatCat)
23. Mala - Changes (Deep Medi)
24. Joe - Grimelight (Unreleased)
25. LV and Errol Bellot - CCTV (Hyperdub)
26. Horsepower - The Swindle (Tempa)
27. Martyn - Vancouver (3024)
28. F - The Phantom (Unreleased)
29. Logos - Frontier (Unreleased)
30. Geiom - Reminiscing (Geiomix) (Berkane Sol)
31. Sodium Nightlife - Jara (Unreleased)
32. Silkie - Dam4 (Soul Jazz)
33. Joker - Holly Brook Park (Kapsize)
34. E-D - Backlash (FL)
35. Leon Mar - Tha Men Who Fell To Earth (Reinforced)


Druhý set je od môjho obľúbeného producenta Ramadanman, ktorý ho namixoval pre dubwar podcast. Ramadanman hral zväčša nevydané veci, takže oplatí sa to vypočuť, ak chcete vedieť, kam sa momentálne dubstep (resp. jeho experimentálnejšia odnož) uberá.


01. Dub-U - 1 Way Running [Unreleased]
02. Mount Kimbie - William [Unreleased]
03. Burial - In McDonalds [Hyperdub]
04. Reform - Bonfire [Unreleased]
05. Ramadanman - Dayrider [Unreleased]
06. Peverelist - Esperanto [Unreleased]
07. Untold - Discipline [Unreleased]
08. Headhunter - Grounded [Unreleased]
09. Pangaea - Router [Hessle Audio]
10. Naphta - Jungle Republic (Ramadanman Refix) [Unreleased]
11. Pangaea - You & I [Hessle Audio]
12. Burial - Shell of Light (Excerpt) [Hyperdub]
13. Scuba - Tense [Unreleased]
14. F - Untitled [Unreleased]
15. Kontext - Plumes (Ramadanman Refix) [Unreleased]
16. Ramadanman - Blimey (Edit) [Hessle Audio]


Chýbať nesmie show Mary Anne Hobbes na Radio1. Tentokrát ide o špeciálny diel nazvaný (pateticky) "Generation Bass". V ňom už etablovaní producenti ako Skream, Mala, Vex´d, Kode9, Hatcha, Loefah a Distance prezentujú svojich obľúbencov z radov mladých dubstepových tvorcov. Predstavia sa mená ako Cyrus, Joker & MC Nomad, Oneman, Chef, Starkey, Kulture a Silkie & Quest. Zámerom je predstaviť novú krv dubstepu. Neviem síce, či nie je ešte príliš skoro hovoriť o novej generácii, najmä ak tá "stará" nie je vôbec tak stará a nevyzerá, že by sa chystala to zabaliť. Osobne ma zaujal predovšetkým Starkey a Joker, ale v podstate všetci majú niečo svojské a zaujímavé a je treba uznať, že nie nadarmo si v tejto show mohli zahrať. Inak ma celkom pobavilo, ako výber týchto "nových" producentov korešponduje so štýlom tých "starých". A aby som nezabudol, Starkey v novembri vydáva na labeli Planet Mu svoj debutový album "Ephemeral Exhibits" a je sa veru na čo tešiť.


Rustie - 'Jagz The Smack' (Stuff)

Silkie & Quest… chosen by Mala
Conquest – ‘Stand’ (Deep Medi)
Silkie – ‘Dam 4’ (Soul Jazz)
Conquest – ‘Hard Food’ (Ase)
Silkie – ‘Test’ (Dubplate)
Conquest – ‘Last Dayz’ (Dubplate)
Conquest – ‘The Seafront’ (Deep Medi)
Silkie – ‘The Horizon’ (Dubplate)
Silkie & Mizzbeats – ‘Purple Love’ (Dubplate)
Conquest – ‘The Unknown’ (Dubplate)

Kulture… chosen by Skream
Kulture –‘Diesel’ (Disfigured Dubz)
Kulture –‘Steppin’ Outta Babylon’ (Dubplate)
Kulture – ‘Spooked’ (Dubplate)
Kulture – ‘Vitamin D’ (Dubplate)
Kulture feat. Ghost 1 – ‘Purple’ (Promo)
Kulture – ‘Rock The Boat’ (Bootleg)
Kulture – ‘Tonight’ (Dubplate)
Late – ‘Misty Morning (Kulture Remix) (Dubplate)

Joker & MC Nomad… chosen by Kode 9
Joker – ‘Stuck In The System’ (Earwax)
2000F & JKamata – ‘You Don’t Know What Love Is’ joker special (Dubplate)
Joker & Rustie – ‘Play Doe’ (Kapsize)
Gemmy – ‘Double Yellow’ (Dubplate)
MR E – ‘Space Invaders’ (Dubplate)
Rustie – ‘Tempered’ (Kapsize)
Joker – ‘80's’ (Kapsize)
Joker – ‘Gully Brook Lane’ (Terrorhythm)
J@kes & Joker – ‘3K Lane’ (H.E.N.C.H)
Joker – ‘Holly Brook Park’ (Kapsize)
Gemmy – ‘Back 2 The Future’ (Punch drunk)
Joker – ‘Snake Eater’ (Soul motive)

Starkey… chosen by Vex’d
Starkey –‘Gutter Music (Keysound / Planet Mu)
Starkey – ‘Striking Distance’ (Planet Mu)
Starkey – ‘Pictures’ (Planet Mu)
Graphic feat. Beans – ‘ I am Metal’ (Starkey remix) (Offshore)
Starkey – ‘Pressure’ (Planet Mu)
Starkey – ‘Dark Alley’ (Planet Mu)
MOVES!!! – ‘All Skate’ (Dubplate)
Starkey – ‘Miracles’ (Planet Mu)
Styles P feat. Swizz Beats – ‘Blow Ya Mind’ (Starkey Remix) (Seclusiasis)
Starkey – ‘Spacewalk’ (Planet Mu)

Chef… chosen by Hatcha
Mr Lager & Alys Blaze – ‘Tell Me’ (Sub Freq)
LD + Clue Kid –‘Not Gonna Cry’ (Ringo)
Geoim feat. Marita – ‘Reminiscin’(Berkane Sol)
LD & Kode 9 – ‘Bad’ (Hyperdub)
Flying Lotus feat. Dolly – ‘Roberta Flack’ (Martyn’s Heart Beat mix) (Warp)
Clue Kid – ‘Monkey Style’(Subbalicious)
Cotti – ‘Calm Down’ (Bassface)
Kutz & Benga – ‘I’ll Kut Ya’ (Dubplate)
Coki - ‘Robotnik’ (Dubplate)

Oneman… chosen by Loefah
Brackles – ‘Get A Job (VIP)’ (Applepips)
Loefah – Midnight’ (Dubplate)
Toasty – ‘Lickable’ (Dubplate)
Point B – ‘E Blade’ (Combat Recordings)
Mala – ‘Forgive’ (Deep Medi)
Groove Chronicles – ‘Stone Cold’ (White Label)
Darkstar – ‘Aidy’s Girl is a Computer’ (Hyperdub)

Cyrus… chosen by Distance
Cyrus & Distance – ‘Violate’ (RTP005)
Cyrus – ‘Decisions’ (Dubplate)
Cyrus – ‘Night After’ (Dubplate)
Cyrus & Distance – ‘Surrender’ (Dubplate)
Cyrus – ‘Space Cadet’ (Dubplate)
Distance – ‘Magnesium’ (Dubplate)

LL - 'Out The Club' (Dubplate)


No a nakoniec je tu nové vydanie Bloggariddims série, tentokrát s poradovým čísom 49, ktorý namixovali Droid + Slug. Ide v ňom opäť o spájanie starého s novým, tenokrát však ide o elektroniku z 90-tych rokov ako AFX, Autechre alebo Disjecta s tým najlepším, čo dubstep ponúka. Výborný, citlivo namixovaný set! Povinnosť!


1. Burial – Gutted – Hyperdub
2. Disjecta - Gyric - WARP
3. Shackleton – Blood on my hands – Skull disco
4. AFX - Sloth - Rephlex
5. Pangea – Coiled – Hessle Audio
6. Autechre - Stud - WARP
7. Blackdown - Crackle Blues - Keysound
8. Seefeel - Rupt - WARP
9. Kode 9 - Kingstown (dub) - Hyperdub
10. Autechre – Basscadet (Beaumont Hannant Womx) - WARP
11. Ramadanman – Blimey – Hessle Audio
12. Aphex Twin – D-Scape - WARP
13. Untold – Kingdom – Hessle Audio
14. Bola – Vespers - Skam
15. Pinch – Battered – Tectonic
16. Autechre - Krib – WARP
17. Revial - Untitled (Ambient edit) - Unreleased
18. Burial - Etched Headplate - Hyperdub

Link (odporúčam si prečítať celý post):

zdroj: weareie


droid said...

Thanks for the mention.

By the way, that dubtronics myspace link is nothing to do with us - a link to would be more suitable. Id also appreciate it if you could link to the dubtronics blog post instead of linking directly to the mp3 if at all possible? We like people to read the posts as well as download the mix.

Thanks again!

Brkosrk said...


no problem with the linking. i fixed it, 'cause i think it's really worth to read the whole article.

and the dubtronics myspace link is there by mystake. first i thought it's him who made bloggaridims set :)and then when i realised it's you i forgott to change it

droid said...

Thanks fella. Much appreciated.